Our Ability

August 30, 2013

New 503 Regulations and Your Business!

Not mentioned in this week’s news that included wildfires in the crisis in Syria, is new Department of Labor regulations around hiring people with disabilities. We all know the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is too high. One of the ways the government wants to reduce the rate is by increasing the nationwide employment goal for federal contractors. What strikes me in the write-up is the self-identification.   The invitation to self identify maybe the
October 10, 2014

John Robinson Named “Champion of Change”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 10, 2014 White House Honors Disability Employment “Champions of Change” WASHINGTON, DC – On October 14, 2014 at 1:30 PM, the White House will honor local “Champions of Change” who are doing extraordinary work to create employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. These Champions have distinguished themselves by making workplaces more accessible to strengthen the American economy. This event will showcase these incredible leaders and their significant contributions to their communities.
August 10, 2015

Boy with Rare Disease Needs Service Dog…

Our Ability was asked to help find a service dog – please read post from his mom Renee Yager Farrell … Callen is an energetic four year old boy that is diagnosed with a rare Children’s Interstitial Lung Disease called Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia of Infancy. For the time being, he is on oxygen continuously. He has been on oxygen for two and a half years. The amount of time that he will continue to need full-time oxygen
March 19, 2020

Our Ability Video Podcast 1.1 – COVID 19

Here is information received to date on COVID 19. Per New York State Department of Health – The first link from the Administration for Community Living, contains specific guidance for older adults and people with disabilities, as data suggests they are at increased risk due to the likelihood of having underlying chronic conditions such as heart, lung or kidney disease.  The other links are to Department of Health sites and the CDC. All of which