
June 18, 2016

Ideals and Ideas for the Millennials

By Liam Ouellette Last month, I took an opportunity to speak in front of a hall of business professionals. This event was designed for audience members to learn about young people and their role within the workforce. My purpose at this event was to advocate and represent the ideals of the millennial generation. That’s over 75 million individuals. I was born in 1994. I study Communication Theory and Broadcasting at a New Hampshire university. I’ve
November 15, 2016

Hiring AdvantEdge: Price Chopper, ACCES-VR and Our Ability Come Together for Employment

December 21, 2016 – Updated – As of December 20, 2016 10 of the 25 people in attendance have been hired by Price Chopper! On November 9, 2016, Price Chopper Supermarkets together with ACCES-VR of New York State and Our Ability Alliance held an open workshop for employment for individuals with disabilities in the Greater Capital Region of New York.   Price Chopper brought in leaders in human resources and talent acquisition to discuss resume
December 2, 2016

How New Yorkers with Disabilities Voted

From our friends at NYSILC – this is an extremely interesting take on New York State voters with disabilities. We are a voting block that is growing in numbers and power. We are excited to be able to report these findings. We will be having further news posts on this topic in the next months.  It is important that we – Our Ability and the New York Business Leadership Network advocate for jobs issues which
December 7, 2016

@TrumpDisabled: Carolyn Zaikowski’s look from HuffPost

Good thought provoking piece on the Trump Presidency from Huffington Post.  It takes a much harsher view of the future world than I hope to see.  Almost as if a disability Dystopian novel… ~ John Robinson Carolyn Zaikowski Author, In a Dream, I Dance by Myself, and I Collapse (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016) and A Child Is Being Killed (Aqueous Books, 2013). Web: www.carolynzaikowski.com This is an emergency plea to those upset about a pending