Recruitment Webinar | Cornell and Our Ability

Disability Employment in New York City with AHRC | Our Ability Podcast
September 2, 2020
JobsAbility Logo
New Jobs Ability Portal Enhances Career Search for Individuals with Disabilities
December 8, 2020
Disability Employment in New York City with AHRC | Our Ability Podcast
September 2, 2020
JobsAbility Logo
New Jobs Ability Portal Enhances Career Search for Individuals with Disabilities
December 8, 2020

Recruitment Webinar | Cornell and Our Ability

Join Cornell University and Our Ability for a series of free webinars sponsored by NYS-OMH available to NYS employers.

Cornell graphic
  • 10 webinars over a 10-month period
  • Five 60-minute content webinars covering the employment process.
  • Five 90-minute consultation webinars on implementing these concepts and experience sharing on alternative months, led by employers implementing effective inclusion policies and practices.

Webinar Purpose

  • Learn about research-based best practices across the employment process which improve employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities and how to apply to improving employment outcomes for neurodiverse individuals.
  • Have an opportunity to self-assess as an organization how your company is doing.
  • Hear about the experience of companies who now have neurodiversity hiring programs in place.
  • Be able to exchange experiences about challenges and successes to date, with other companies in NYS making efforts to implement such initiatives.

Recruitment and Hiring

Webinar: Friday, November 13, 2020 12:00-1:00pm