December 8, 2020

New Jobs Ability Portal Enhances Career Search for Individuals with Disabilities

John Robinson | When I started Our Ability, Inc., almost 10 years ago, it was always my intention to create a web portal for people with disabilities to assist one another. This quickly turned into Our Ability Connect, a system where individuals sign in, fill out the form fields and find their talent. Over the past few years, it became obvious to me that we needed to upgrade this technology and do so in a
November 2, 2020

Recruitment Webinar | Cornell and Our Ability

Join Cornell University and Our Ability for a series of free webinars sponsored by NYS-OMH available to NYS employers. 10 webinars over a 10-month period Five 60-minute content webinars covering the employment process. Five 90-minute consultation webinars on implementing these concepts and experience sharing on alternative months, led by employers implementing effective inclusion policies and practices. Webinar Purpose Learn about research-based best practices across the employment process which improve employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities
September 2, 2020

Disability Employment in New York City with AHRC | Our Ability Podcast

Steve Towler and Shauna Lozada of AHRC join us on the Our Ability podcast to talk about success stories in New York City with disability employment, how COVID-19 has affected disability employment today and where we can find success tomorrow. In the fall, Our Ability | Disability:IN New York we will be hosting a series of webinars to engage with businesses on disability employment. Please feel free to contact us to join us…
August 18, 2020

Free Webinar – Workplace Disability and Neurodiversity Inclusion in the COVID Era

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 12:00-1:00pm Eastern The COVID-19 pandemic has created enormous stress on every workplace. From essential workplaces where the work demands have significantly increased to respond to public need or within businesses that have paused because of the pandemic, the impact has been both complex and taxing. With increasing economic concerns and health risks, there has never been a more critical time to focus on enhancing workplace disability inclusion across the employment process.
July 22, 2020

NY ABLE and Opportunity for NY with Disabilities

There is an opportunity for individuals with disabilities in New York State to protect certain financial assets. The NY ABLE account is a wonderful opportunity for individuals to save. Jenna McClosky, Outreach Coordinator for NY ABLE and has been with the program for two and a half years. Jenna started with NY State in 2015 and was working in the non-profit field for several years prior to that. Jenna joins us on our podcast for

Our Ability Podcast

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